Literary References for the song: Wanderers

Since I began releasing my music, I have been frequently asked what my lyrics mean. I often use allusions to other forms of art as a source of inspiration. While I would rather not explain directly the meaning of these lyrics, below you’ll find an explanations of a few lyrics from the song Wanderers and their references:

Lyric: “Standing over your sea of fog, let me go…”

Reference: This lyric applies to the painting Wanderer Over a Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich.

Lyric: “How high you climb, you’ll never find the god you seek, one dance with him and now you’re through”.

Reference: This reference is from a poem that I have never been able to find again since reading it for the first time. I came across it on a practice Advanced Placement Exam during high school. It was about a young woman who danced with a young man at a ball and after they danced she didn’t learn his name and after he left before revealing his identity, she lamented that she would never see him again. Her final words in the poem were something like, “…how could I ever settle for anyone now that I just danced with god”.

Lyric: “Whispers seeping through your teeth, I am lying in the Reid”.

Reference: Many will recognize that this is a play on a Radiohead lyric. Rather than say “reeds”, I chose to insert “Reid”, the maiden name of my wife. I wrote it this way to convey the protection and serenity I felt with my wife and her love.


Literary References for the song: And I Let Them


Literary References for the song: Pigeons